quinta-feira, 14 de fevereiro de 2013


Hello, my friends!
My name is Francisco Ramos.
I have 2 stations one in Lisbon (IM58JS) and second Bêco – Ferreira do Zêzere (IM59US).
My wife also have call sign and her call sign is CT2JKK.

I am interested in radio for many years. I already transmit since 2006.I still have much to learn.

My first call sign was CT5JKJ, after 1 year, I did other examination for CT2JKJ.

My station is:
Antenas: 2 X VHF (9 elements)
1 X UHF (12 elements) Vertical
Antenna X 50, X200, X510
HF Dipole for 80m, 40m and 6m Spiderbeam 10/12/15/17/20
Vertical antenna for citizens band 11 mts,(27,000 mhz).

FT – 7800, FT – 857, TS-830S, TS - 450, IC - 91, TH - F7, R - 1000, General electri (CB) and other old radios.
And help's to go more distant.
CB, VHF, UHF, HF, PMR (Personal Mobile Radio), D-Star and digital mode.

I have more call sign for other frequencies and bands: CT2031SWL, PMR-352, 31SD352, 31TX352, 31PSD352.

I like to receive your QSL, but I don’t paid anything or get nothing for exchange QSL. The spirit of Ham Radio is not that.

I send DIRECTLY (Fast and 100% reply), eQSL.cc or Bureau.

All the best to you,thank you for the nice QSO.
I hope to see you again in any band!
Take Care!!!
Good luck and 's


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